Marche orologi
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Cinturini per orologi
Marche orologi
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Colori orologio
Cinturini per orologi
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5 Years warranty If you register your watch on the Swiss Military hanowa website, you will receive an additional 2 years warranty adding up to 5 years warranty in total!
Hanowa stands for Hans Noll Watches. The company was founded in Biel, Switzerland, 1963 by Hans and his wife Elisabeth. Soon, the brand establishes a reputation for exceptional watch making, resulting in the production of sports, performance and lifestyle watches. Out of this, in 1990 the Swiss Military brand was born.
The collection is both varied and extensive. You can choose from classic watches with an automatic movement, but also sports watches and bold chronograph watches. Whatever style you choose, all Swiss Military Hanowa watches exude the same luxurious atmosphere, have a good price / quality ratio and are - of course - Swiss Made. One of the most popular watches in the collection is the Swiss Military Hanowa Flagship, which is of course available in our webshop. utilizza diversi tipi di cookie. Per alcuni tipi abbiamo bisogno del vostro consenso.
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