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Orologi Aerowatch

Orologi Aerowatch

Aerowatch is an independent Swiss watch manufacturer. The Aerowatch collection contains both wrist watches and pocket watches for men and women. Modern horology and attention to detail are the main features of this competitive brand, rooted in over a century of experience.

276 prodotti

Aerowatch was founded in 1910 in La Chaux-de-Fonds and wanted to be a symbol of modernity. The English name showed the desire to export a product connected to aviation in that period a booming business. The period of the First World War was difficult. Thanks to their original marketing the company was able to continue. In 1942 the company was sold to Maxime Crevoisier and he continued with the brand in Neuchâtel. The company specialized in the manufacture of pocket watches and pendants. In 2001 the son of Maxime sells the company to the family Bolzli. In 2005 the company run presented a collection of wristwatches inspired by vintage pocket watches and they named this line “1942”. Nowadays this brand is sold in more than 120 countries, offering quality watches for competitive prices.