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watch battery

Batterie orologio

The power consumption of most quartz watches is very low, so your watch's battery will usually last a long time. On average 1-2 years, depending on the functions of your watch. However, every watch battery needs to be replaced at some point. Then Orologio.it is the right place for you! In our wide range of watch batteries you will find a battery for every type of watch.

Which battery is in my watch? 

When you want to replace the battery of your watch, it is important to know which cell battery is in your watch. On our site, under the heading 'movement information' under the watch specifications, it is stated which original battery is used in the watch. 

The user manual of your watch usually also describes which battery is suitable for your watch. 

Note: manufacturers use different numbers/names for the same type of battery. That is why we state the variants of the article number with all batteries that we sell. For example: R371 / SR920SW / SG6 / AG6. This means that the Renata R371 battery is the equivalent of the SR920SW, SG6 and AG6.

54 prodotti

Can you replace the watch battery yourself?

You can replace a watch battery yourself. Please note - if you try to do this yourself while the watch is still under warranty, the warranty may be void and the water resistance can no longer be guaranteed. 

Does it matter which brand of battery is in your watch? 

Most of the watch batteries that Orologio.it sells are from the Renata brand. This is a solid Swiss brand whose batteries last a long time and are very suitable for use in watches. That is why renowned watch brands such as Tag HEUER and Breitling place Renata batteries in their watches.

Acquista le tue batterie orologio su Orologio.it

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