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Cinturini per orologi
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Consegna Gratuita Orologi sopra €50
Silver Michael Kors watch

Orologi Michael Kors Argento

Silver Michael Kors watches will always remain in the collection, because silver is timeless and suits all clothing styles. In combination with the sophisticated styling and quality of Michael Kors, you can buy a watch that you will enjoy for a long time.

Orologi 2

The best quality materials for silver Michael Kors watches 

Silver Michael Kors watches are made from the best quality stainless steel. This steel is then polished and brushed to achieve the perfect finish. The silver shines! Stainless steel does not corrode and is colorfast. This way your Michael Kors watch will remain beautiful for a long time. 

Buy your Silver Michael Kors watch at Orologio.it

Orologio.it is the online specialist in brand watches, where service and expertise are paramount. Need advice? Our customer service representatives are waiting for your call or email.